<img src="https://click.balloonmaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/logo-blue1.jpg">

This Month

First of all, I would like to thank all of you who support BalloonClick.com.
It would be impossible to create the number of videos that we do with out your support.
This month I fell sick with a fever, chills and a uncontrollable cough.
It is in it’s ending stage now, but nearly 3 weeks have gone by without a video shoot.
I want to apologies to each of you and assure you that we are back on track and will make up for any lost videos. We have a lot on our plate. We will be shooting an update on my life size princesses. We will reveal a new technique for the bodice that is no longer limited by the color of hearts that are available. We are also working on a super heroine body style. She looks awesome! Not for line twisting. Thank you for your patience.
Ken Stillman

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